We’re passionate about democratizing solar energy
CCSA is a national trade association representing more than 100 community solar companies, businesses, and nonprofits working to expand customer choice and access to solar for all American households and businesses through community solar. We work with customers, utilities, local stakeholders, and policymakers to develop and implement policies and best practices that ensure highly successful community solar programs that champion the energy customer.
Core principles for driving change
At CCSA, we promote policies, programs, and practices that drive our vision to democratize solar energy.
- Open, expand, and protect competitive, sustainable community solar markets through comprehensive engagement in all aspects of community solar market design, enablement and innovation.
- Allow all consumers the choice to participate in and receive a tangible economic benefit from new community solar assets, and ensure those economic benefits are communicated and realized in a clear, timely and transparent manner.
- Guarantee community solar market rules create a safe, reliable marketplace for consumers to make informed choices for products that work for their needs.
- Ensure project compensation is reflective of the full value of the locally-sited energy produced by community solar projects.
- Champion transparent, non-discriminatory, and evidence-based rules on siting and interconnection for expedient and fair community solar project development.

A dynamic group of go-getters shaping our shared energy future
CCSA is a diverse group of individuals who are passionate about providing solar access for all. But not only are we excited about building the grid of the future, we’re also a team filled with entrepreneurs, human parents, pet parents, movie buffs, music lovers, outdoors enthusiasts, and more.
A history of change and a vision for the future
- 2005 - 2006
- 2010
- 2015
- 2021 - 2022
Energy Policy Act (EPACT) 2005 signed into law
- This led to more than 40 states adopting net metering and interconnection for distributed energy generation, paving the way for community solar to enter the energy mix.
The earliest community solar project began to take shape
- The first community solar project on record was installed in Ellensburg, Washington in 2006. It was built in four phases totaling 110 kW of solar panels.
The first competitive community solar program emerged
- Colorado opens what was considered the first competitive community solar program in the country.
CCSA arrived on the scene to create solar access for all
- The Coalition for Community Solar Access (CCSA) was founded in 2015 to help accelerate the growth of the industry.
- The community solar business model continued to evolve at this time, changing from customer contracts, to a month-to-month, no-contract model. Project subscriptions are now as easy as signing up for your favorite streaming service!
The Department of Energy set a 2025 target
- The goal is for community solar to power 5 million homes and save $1 billion on electricity bills by the year 2025.
Milestones achieved at CCSA and beyond
- The Coalition for Community Solar Access officially surpassed 100 members.
- New York became the leader in community solar capacity and set an industry-leading 10 GW distributed solar roadmap.
- The Inflation Reduction Act passed with the highest level and longest duration of energy incentives ever passed by Congress.
Want to join us in our vision to democratize solar energy?
We’re excited to chat with potential members, future employees, and people who are passionate about changing the world.